Inline with guidance from NHS England, online booking of appointments has been suspended.
In order to best manage the current demand for GP Apppointments, we request that patients wishing to see a GP for a routine problem complete an eConsult. eConsults are available between 6pm and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. However to ensure that our GPs are working within safe limits, once eConsult reaches capacity, it will be switched off until the following day.
If you telephone the surgery for an urgent matter, you will be asked the reason for the appointment and days and times when you are able to attend for an appointment. All requests will be triaged by a GP and if required investigations, blood tests or imaging or onward referral may be arranged prior to an appointment with the doctor. The practice team now consists of other clinicians who may be more appropriate for your problem, first contact physio, mental health practitioner, or pharmacist. Appointments can be booked up to 12 weeks in advance.
Please note – We are open Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 6.30pm. eConsults are available for non-urgent matters between 6pm and 6:30pm. We aim to respond by the end of the next working day during normal working hours. If you have an urgent medical issue please ring the practice 01925 755050 (in hours) or NHS 111 (out of hours). For medical emergencies ring 999.
When we reach capacity, eConsult will be switched off. If your request is medical urgent for that day, please telephone the surgery. Otherwise please complete an eConsult the next working day.
For non-urgent advice outside of normal surgery hours, self-help is available via the eConsult link.
After completing the initial questions, please 'continue as guest' to complete your eConsult questionnaire. You do not need to register with the NHS to complete an eConsult.
If you are completing an econsult for a skin or joint condition, please attach a photograph of the condition to your econsult. Thank you
Contact your doctor online and get help by the end of the next working day or sooner.

Try the NHS App
You can now use the NHS App, a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and your GP account on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use the NHS App to check your symptoms and get instant advice, book appointments, order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical record, access your Covid vaccination status and more.
If you already use online access you can continue to use it. You can use the NHS App as well.
For more information go to
Have you got the NHS App?
At home or on the move, with the NHS App you can conveniently order repeat prescriptions, view your GP medical records, manage appointments at your GP surgery, set organ donation preferences, and check symptoms.
The app has been developed by the NHS and has been designed to help people get more information about their health and care - and more control of how they use NHS services. New functions and services will also be added in the coming months. Why not download it and try it out?
What does the NHS App do?
The NHS App allows you to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet. A desktop version is launching soon too.
You can use it wherever you are, at any time. It puts valuable information about your health and treatments at your fingertips.
You can:
- order repeat prescriptions
- view your GP medical record
- access your Covid vaccination status
- book and cancel appointments at your GP surgery
- register for organ donation and change your donation preferences
- use the symptoms checker, including an A to Z of conditions and treatment advice from the NHS website
- access 111 Online, for advice on self-care and whether urgent help is needed
Is my information safe?
Just like a banking app, your identity will be carefully checked during the simple registration process. The app has been designed, built and tested so that your personal information is always safe and secure.
How to register through the NHS App
Download the app from your mobile device’s app store and follow the easy step-by-step registration instructions. It will help if you know your NHS number (though this isn’t essential), and you will need to have a form of ID (passport or driving license) to hand.
If you want to learn more, visit the NHS App page on the NHS UK website.
Book Appointments & Request Prescriptions Online
Book Appointments & Request Prescriptions online
Parents please be aware that to make an appointment or order a prescription for your child online, you will need to login using the child's details. To create an acount for your child please contact reception.
It is possible to book an appointment with the GP or Practice Nurse up to 12 weeks in advance.
If you do not have a username and password, please contact the surgery to register for SystmOnline.